Welcome.This site is a directly managed online-shop of OKA CRAFT. We specialize in Japanese puzzle boxes (Himitsu-Bako)!

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These puzzle boxes will be finished in about 2-3 days. As you can see in the photo, I'm currently making 60 boxes of 3 sun 7 steps yosegi.walnut wood type Japanese puzzle box. One question I often get from customers is, 'How many puzzle boxes can you make in a day?' Well, typically, we (Japanese puzzle box craftsmen) don't make boxes one at a time. Also, even for a single box, we can't complete it in just one day. Depending on the craftsman's skill (or maybe stamina?😂), it's normal to make anywhere from 30 to 300 boxes simultaneously. This time, I'm making 60 boxes on order from a shop owner. but This practice probably comes from old customs.

You see, traditionally, craftsmen only make the boxes; they don't sell them directly. We sell the finished boxes to wholesalers or retailers, who then sell them to regular consumers. That's why making just one wouldn't bring in much income, so we make them in batches and sell them to these middlemen.
But it's not just about tradition - making many boxes at once is genuinely more efficient. This is especially true for secret boxes because the manufacturing process and wood dimensions can vary depending on the number and size of the mechanisms. So, in my opinion, this method works better for us.

However, in recent years, craftsmen have more opportunities to sell directly to consumers. This site is an example of that - I'm selling directly here😊 Also, even when we talk about making many boxes, there are some with complex designs or mechanisms that can't be mass-produced. I sometimes sell these unique pieces here too. I really enjoy creating such original works.
Hakone is the birthplace of Japanese puzzle boxes and has a rich tradition, so I consider it very important to have my boxes sold in Hakone shops. That's why I'll continue making them in the future.